Exercises for the Feet
An easy and springy gait with a straight back is a sign of a healthy whole body. If there is heaviness when walking, asymmetrical shoulder position, or persistent or intermittent pain, this is a sign of tightness and tightness in the feet. Is it possible to change this and make yourself healthier by doing simple foot exercises? The answer is Yes! How? Read in this article.
The connection between the spine and the feet
Human foot is a unique supporting apparatus that carries all the load of the body. Its basis consists of 26 bones connected by tissue in the joints. The feet take most of the load when walking. Deformities that occur over time lead to pain in the spine and weakened muscles. It is especially difficult for people who are overweight or older.
Muscles and tendons are connected from the head to the feet. Any soreness in the lower back, thoracic and cervical spine, as well as headaches, can be the result of improper foot positioning.
Stiff feet: why does it happen?
The feet are responsible for the movement of the entire body. Therefore, the basis of suffering and problems should be looked for in the feet. Problems that began in childhood can lead to deformities:
- improper shoes;
- early learning to walk;
- lack of sports;
- Clawing of the legs by a child;
- congenital defects.
As an adult, other “dangers” await:
- Static (standing or sitting) work;
- physical exertion;
- nervous stress, which provokes muscle spasms;
- High-heeled or improperly chosen shoes.
If you exhaust yourself daily with stress, work and unreasonable exertion, it will soon make you meet the couch at the doctor. But people think about the health of their feet too late.
To check if there is foot tightness, you can perform a few uncomplicated movements:
- Position yourself in a chair, stretch out your legs, relax and listen to the sensations in the foot area.
- Wiggle all your toes from side to side and up and down.
- Try to spread your fingers apart.
- If there is a pulling sensation in the arch of the foot, the toes do not spread out, and there are any uncomfortable signs, you should pay attention to the health of your feet and spine.
Foot Exercises
- Walk on the spot and rub your feet and shins: this warms up the muscle tissue.
- After the warm-up, scatter small objects on the floor: buttons, pencils, balls. With the toes of each foot collect the objects in turn.
- Sit on a chair, and tuck your toes under your foot. Hold for 5 seconds on each foot. Over time, you can complicate the exercise and do it standing.
- Stand on the edge of the step so that the toes and pads of the foot rest on the plane, and the heel and the arch hang down. Start doing the lifts by doing 3 sets of 20 times.
- Sitting on a chair, put a small ball or rubber ball under the arch of the foot, roll it back and forth.
- After exercise, do a self-massage, working on the inside of the foot. Doctors have proved that it is the projection of the spine.
- Gently massage from the big toe to the heel with circular movements, engaging the fingertips.
- Exercise properly finish with cryotherapy: a cold shower or rubbing with pieces of ice.
- Working while sitting or standing, you should do a warm-up in the form of stretching and rotating movements.
In general, do not forget: healthy feet – a healthy spine! Try to do exercises for the feet as often as possible. It is not difficult and quite affordable at home.